Psychic Scrying – Getting Visions by Reading with a Crystal Ball, a Mirror or a Bowl of Water

Scrying is a technique that uses a reflective surface as an aid towards divination by helping the psychic reader in entering into an altered mind state to obtain visions and get into the ‘psychic flow’.

I don’t scry, as I don’t feel the need to use it. I find it naturally supernaturally easy because of the way my psychic gift operates now to enter an altered mind state and start to get visions and other impressions for people without the need for any tools to get there. Because scrying is a means to an end (to get into the psychic flow) and not the end in itself (the actual psychic flow),  I see therefore no point in my using it.

However, I recognise not all the people are the same, and some people may find scrying helpful in their psychic development, which is why I have included a section on it on this site.

Different surfaces can be used for scrying – some common things used being a crystal ball, mirror or bowl of water, but it’s all the same kind of idea as long as it’s a reflective surface.

The controversial prophet Nostradamus is famously believed to have used a scrying basin to obtain his visions.

Flickering light from candles in a darkened room are supposed to aid with scrying. You can get the candles to flicker by opening the windows if need be. Have the candles out of the direct line of your vision, but nevertheless visible in the reflecting surface. A prayer asking for protection and asking for only truth may be a wise thing to do before you start.

Steadily gaze into the reflective scrying surface, and soon images may start to appear on the chosen surface. These may look like rough sketches, shadowy symbols or perhaps may even be as sharp as photos. Once this happens, other images and impressions linked to these may come to your mind’s eye – i.e not just through your actual eyes on the surface. These mental images are what matters most – you no longer have to keep looking at the scrying surface once you have reached this state – as your scrying has taken you into the psychic flow. Because remember that scrying is a means to an end and not the end itself.

Article copyright Anna Arcadius, 2010.

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I believe that dreams are probably the easiest way for humans to get ‘psychic’ information, as we are most receptive when in the dream state, and our concious mind cannot interupt and argue and say, ‘ah, but…’.

I have had many experiences of psychic and precognitive dreams in my life.

I do not heed all my dreams or believe all my dreams are psychic because they just aren’t, and wisdom is required to sift between what is real and what is ‘just’ a dream or one can be led a merry dance! For that reason, I do not journal all my dreams, but journalling everything at the beginning is an extremely useful tool to learn to distinguish between what is true and real and what is not (See my article on psychic development).

Normally when I awake after a psychic dream, I have a special feeling about what I have dreamt about; the psychic dream almost always seems to have a unique quality and sense and feel to it making it stand out from other ‘normal’ dreams, and it often remains long in my mind after I’ve woken up.

I have found that most psychic dreams are usually unique ‘one-offs’ rather than being recurring dreams. (Recurring dreams should still be heeded, however, as our subconcious is trying to tell us to deal with something – I have covered recurring dreams in a separate article Recurring dreams).

Psychic dreams can take various forms. Here are some examples of some forms of ‘psychic’ or pre-cognitive dreams.

Contact dreams

I had a dream of a dear friend and ex work colleague that I had not seen/heard from or even thought about for over one year. I no longer even lived in the same country as him. In the dream, that came out of nowhere, I was meeting up with and hugging my friend.

The NEXT day, I recieved a letter ‘out of the blue’ from this same friend who said he was coming to near my area on business and asked if we’d like to meet up?! Of course, I said “yes” and this meeting proved to be an important turning point for me, as opportunities arose for me to move abroad and work in the same company as him. I think I had this psychic dream to underline the importance of this meeting to me in terms of my needing to leave where I currently was and to make the big move.

Lucid Dreams

Many years ago, I unexpectedly dozed off for just a little while one afternoon: it was actually more like a trance than a dream, because it was as if I was awake all the time. Anyway, dream or trance, I had a very lucid dream, differant from most dreams, even psychic dreams, in that it felt so real. In the dream my then love interest was speaking to me on the phone and spinning me some super spiritual nonsense about himself and his emotions and why our relationship could not proceed. In the dream I could see him at the other end of the phone, and more than that saw his thoughts and intentions while speaking and thus saw what he was saying to me was all total bull, and he knew it was. I was clearly shown the reasons for it: put succinctly, he was a jerk!

I awoke disturbed because on the surface our relationship, although new, had been going well and he had seemed very keen. Anyway, a few seconds later after I awoke after having this dream, the phone went (he never usually phoned in the afternoon, so this was strange in itself) and it was this boyfriend, and he said word for word the conversation I’d seen and heard in my dream.

However, because I’d had this dream, my heart/mind was prepared for what he was about to say. And as I’d seen what a jerk he was in the dream, I wasn’t hurt like I would otherwise have been, and I didn’t take it personally and  to heart and was actually very glad thinking I had a lucky escape. It also told me that what he’d used as an excuse was utter rubbish, telling me what an immature jerk and phoney he really was and that I was better shot off him so not to even agree to reconcile with him in the future! (And the opportunity did soon present itself.) This was a lucky escape indeed, as I later saw his bad character with other women, and his general phoniness and hypocrisy.

Symbolic dreams

This dream rather than being literal can be laden with various symbols and imagery, and thus can be very difficult to understand on the surface. It may even require a skilled and gifted dream interpreter to help unravel it, interpret it and apply it for the dreamer.

I have gone into symbolic dreams in more detail in this article: symbolic dreams and prophecies.

Guidance Dreams

Leading us to take important actions, such as going certain places or contacting certain people or doing certain things. I have had various examples of this in my life.

In the Book Of Acts in the Bible, the apostle Paul dreamt of a man from Macedonia saying to come and help them. This was God’s guidance to Paul to go to Macedonia to help them.

I mentioned already Joseph interpreting symbolic dreams in the Bible: a dream was given to Pharaoh by God in order to give guidance to stock up on food grains for a coming famine. Because Pharaoh obeyed this divine guidance, many people and animals were saved from starvation.

However not all dreams containing guidance are psychic or prophetic, especially when the dreamer is actively seeking guidance at the time the dream occurred, and so care must be taken to assess what is genuine and what is not.

Warning Dreams

There are times where we can be warned of bad or disastrous events about to hit us personally – and if the dream is genuine and it’s from God, then it’s not to sent to taunt and to harass but to help and to guide us for our overall good. We can often take actions to change these events from happening, by changing our attitudes or our course of actions, or when changing the situation is not possible, we can have a better understanding as to why these bad things happened and so have more peace and comfort because of what lies beyond. Let me give you some examples:

Prevention – things that can be changed. I once warned someone I was reading for over their phone about their careless driving (she agreed she often was in a bit of a daydream and drove with only one hand on the wheel, speaking on her cellphone and even eating at the same time). A day or so later, because this woman heeded the warning, she avoided a catastrophic accident because she was able to respond in time to a car suddenly spinning around out of control before her – she avoided slapping into it head-on because she was fully concentrating and for a change had both of her hands on the wheel instead of one hand on the phone and the other dipping into some Twinkies!)

Preparation  – things that cannot be changed. A woman was totally in love with somebody and he claimed to be totally in love with her. They were dating and going to get married. He was the one, so she thought. She’d never ever felt this way about anyone before. But then one night she had a dream, seemingly out of the blue, in which he was having an honest heart to heart with her and saying that he didn’t really love her. It was a very upsetting dream to her, but she thought it was just a dream. But the dream strongly remained on her heart and mind. About a week later the man unexpectedly dumped her. The woman was emotionally devastated, it wasn’t easy for her, but because she had this dream it was easier for to deal with as her heart, mind and emotions had had some chance to prepare emotionally for the enormous shock first.  It didn’t then come as a total shock. Also, as she understood from her dream he really hadn’t loved her, there was some solace at a time of great hurt that it was better off this way, however much it stung now. The woman is totally convinced if she hadn’t had this dream she wouldn’t have been able to cope at all (perhaps would have committed suicide), and/or would have held on waiting for “the love of her life” to return to her wrongly believing he felt the same way about her. As it was, she moved on and did meet someone much better.

World events – There are cases of warning type dreams, premonitions about disasters affecting people and events far away, events that seemingly have nothing to do with us, and we can seemingly do nothing about – for example I’ve dreamed of natural disasters many miles away in countries where I know nobody and have no influence. These kind of dreams can be disturbing and hard to handle. I will go into these type of dreams and how we can respond appropriately to them in a future article.

Mediumistic dreams – dreaming of people who have passed on

Dreaming of people that have passed on is very common, and should not always be thought of as a psychic or mediumistic encounter.

A lady I knew kept dreaming about bumping into a certain person who she’d once known – this person had actually died some years before.

In this recurring dream she was having, this person was not really dead and there had been some mistake or an elaborate trick played at his funeral in identifying and burying the wrong person instead of him.

There had been a great deal of anxiety within her as this man had been obsessed with her and had ‘stalked’ her when alive, so this anxiety was being replayed in a recurring dream that he wasn’t really dead and would still come and harass her.

However this was NOT a psychic dream or contact with a spirit, and as soon as the lady faced up to her deep anxieties, and that this man really was dead and she was safe from him, these recurring dreams stopped.

I know though of many people who have had strong personal messages relayed to them from their loved ones in their dreams.

The ‘Half and Half Dream’

The ‘worst’ dreams to interpret are what I’ll call the ‘half-and halfs’ – where there’s a mixture of the genuine psychic and our own dream ‘junk’ that gets entangled together. What parts do we listen to and what parts of the dream do we discard? Good question!

Rule # 1. Do NOT assume anything!!!

Because PART of the dream is 100% accurate does not mean ALL of the dream is accurate.

For example, I have a friend who is a great psychic. When she was younger and single she had a very vivid dream of some forthcoming places/people she’d meet that summer on her travels. Amongst other things she saw, she dreamt of a man’s face very clearly that she’d never met before, and also a name. At the very end of this dream she dreamt she was married to this same man.

She met this man a few weeks later while on her travels, recognising him from her dream instantly – and he had the same name as she’s dreamed. He turned out to an important link for her in getting to her final destination.

However, my friend concluded the other ‘half’ of her dream about marrying this man must also therefore be accurate (surely the first half of  her dream had been confirmed to date with phenomenal accuracy?!), and so she pursued this man for over a year, wasting her time and causing some very sore embarrassment to both of them as he was not at all interested in her romantically!!! She got so angry and upset at feeling ‘conned’ by her own psychic gifting she closed down much of her abilities for a time, but luckily she opened them again after some real soul searching and finally understanding that she’d had what I’ve termed here to be a ‘half and half’ dream. With hindsight and painful soul searching, she realised that at the point of her dreaming about this marriage her ‘natural’ mind was adding stuff on (ie: her wishes and desires) after the initial revelation had been given and she should have checked the dream ‘small print’ much more carefully.

Therefore all dreams should be sifted through to find where the genuine revelation ends (the good ‘half’) and where wishful thinking begins (the junk ‘half’).

Article copyright Anna Arcadius, 2010

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Dream interpretations for recurring dreams


Below is a list of some common dreams that most of us have had at some point in our lives and their interpretations that would apply to most people.

These kind of dreams are often recurring. These dreams usually aren’t psychic or future telling so much, but rather are usually our subconscious’s way of trying to get our attention.

I once had someone tell me they were extremely concerned because they kept dreaming of an Armageddon style devastation that would happen in her neighbourhood. This was greatly disturbing her, and she was carrying the weight of the world upon her shoulders and was very fearful, not knowing what to do.

While I recognise that people can absolutely be forewarned about impending disaster in dreams, and I have certainly had experience of prophetic dreams (see my other article on psychic and pre-cognitive dream ), in this case the lady was wrongly interpreting her recurring dream as foretelling a literal event whereas the dream was actually in fact symbolising her  feelings of emotional devastation at her ‘disastrous’ love life. Once the lady dealt with these issues, the dreams immediately stopped plaguing her.


Dreaming of being on an airplane usually symbolises our feelings about large life changes we are experiencing/thinking of, as flying is usually linked in our minds to going away on long distances adventures ‘to the unknown’ on special occassion.

It represents our attempts to reach new places/goals in our lives, such as in career or love.

If you dream of troubles connected with the flight, this represents your uncertainty about reaching these goals.

A common dream I used to have was of missing the plane, or of forgetting the tickets or my passport – this was demonstrating my insecurities/fears/anxieties at getting ‘there.’

Buses or Trains

These being large and common every day forms of public transport, they represent our feelings of ‘moving with the crowd’.

For instance, long after I left school, at a time of major career and life change, I used to have a dream of  missing my old school bus, and despite running after it and banging on the windows I still was not catching up with it. This was reflecting my then anxieties about keeping up with my peers, and feeling I was falling behind them in my education and career.


These are a symbol of our life. I have had many car related dreams, each with slightly differant spins on them.

You are pressing down on the brakes with all your might, but there is no affect on the car.  This is a signal of feeling out of control in a situation.

It’s raining so hard you can’t see to drive. This represents a feeling of inability to see the future in a specific situation.

If you are the passenger in the car then you feel someone else is controlling you/your life path.

If you are driving too recklessly/fast in the dream, then you need to slow down a bit/look before leaping!

If you are lost/going around in circles or can’t find your car to begin with – then this is how you are feeling in life! Lost and not sure on how to get ‘there’.

If you keep dreaming of car crashes then this demonstrates fears of heading towards a disaster, whether emotionally or other.

If the car keeps breaking down this illustrates feelings of depression/not being able to cope.

If you are driving a new car this indicates feelings about new events/relationships in your life.

If the car is from a memory of your childhood, ie: the ‘family’ car – then this shows there’s a link with your family/past that is on your mind to deal with.


Dreaming of sitting exams shows there’s worry about meeting a life ‘test’, meeting others’ expectations. There are self doubts about your abilities, and you are feeling under pressure to perform.

Linked to this dream can be problems in getting to the examination room/forgetting the exam is on that day and being totally unprepared and of pens breaking…these all relate to performance anxiety.

A dream along a similar vein, is when I dreamt I was on stage in a starring role in a play and didn’t know my lines as I hadn’t learnt them!


This is demonstrating that you are feeling out of control, with no ability to plan or know the future (ie where you land) and that you perhaps fear you are headed for an emotional ‘crash’ landing.


Usually demonstrates happiness and success and feeling of self-empowerment.

School dreams

Graduating/Leaving School – Usually positive in that you are moving into a new phase of life.

If there are problems with ‘graduating’, then this demonstrates your fears and insecurities about moving on, or feeling behind.

Being back at school – feeling behind in life, worry about abilities, need to move on, knowledge tested, performance anxiety


These represent ourself and can like the car dream have many different forms.

The upper levels of the house indicate the mental/spiritual parts of us. The stairs being the contact with this and an important symbol of progress. The lower parts (eg: the cellar) indicate the subconcious or hidden parts.

Specific rooms also have their meanings with the nursery representing children/childhood etc., the kitchin the mother/family etc.

What state these rooms/or the house is in are are very indicative on how we feel on these areas.

When I went through a particularly devastating time of my life I dreamt my house was in ruins, a burnt out skeletal structure.

Finding new rooms in our house that we did not know about shows there are  aspects or ‘rooms’ of self that are for us to explore.

Dreaming of your childhood house can often mean dealing with something from the past. For instance I was regularly dreaming of buying my old childhood home that we’d not lived in for many years and decorating it very nicely. This was showing me it was time to work on my past childhood issues so I would be a wholer human being (‘more nicely decorated’).

Losing your teeth

Linked to our memories of losing our milk teeth, this concerns our feelings on growing up and getting older.  If the teeth are rotting, it may be demonstrating there’s emotional rotting and decay leading us to an outcome of falling apart if not dealt with.

Our way being blocked

Stairs that end in mid air, road blocks and obstacles, walking through puddles and suddenly getting submerged, darkness falling en-route, all signs of feeling inpeded in our life journey.

Being angry/violent in the dream

Punching or beating up people, perhaps shouting/screaming at them with much abuse or truth telling – signs of inner/suppressed anger that needs to be faced up to.

Being naked in public

Feeling vulnerable, fear of exposure of secrets and/or being put to public ridicule/being seen through, feeling unprepared or shamed.

If the bottom half only of our body is naked, then this is linked with feelings about our sexuality.

Running (not being chased)

This is similar to the flying dream and usually demonstrates confidence and energy.

Article copyright Anna Arcadius, 2010

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Anna Arcadius is a psychic & dream interpreter.


Reading Tea Leaves To Tell The Future (Tasseography)

When I was a young girl, my grandmother used to swear by reading fortunes with tealeaves.

As I sat on her knee, Grandma taught me her art (handed down to her by her grandmother), and I sometimes even watched her doing readings for the neighbours.

Grandma always said reading someone’s tea leaves was a great way to make psychic predictions for their future. But, admittedly, this was before the teabag seemingly took over the world…

I’m wondering if anyone else still uses tealeaves for divination? Or has it now gone completely out of fashion because of the invention of the teabag?!

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