The most dangerous kind of ghost hunt – at breakneck speed to summon the Lemon Tree Passage ghost

I don’t know what it is at the moment about Australia, all the most interesting psychic themed stories seems to be coming out from there. Here’s another interesting story from Oz I found at the news site here (there’s also a video at the same link) –

“IT could be one of the most bizarre reasons ever offered by a speeding driver – “A ghost made me do it”.

But that is exactly the story being put forward by superstitious motorists hitting speeds of up to 180km/h on a road north of Newcastle, supposedly to conjure a ghost.

Port Stephens police have issued a warning to drivers after it emerged that young people were driving at dangerously high speeds along a stretch of Lemon Tree Passage Rd to conjure the spirit of a 20-year-old motorcyclist killed in a crash with a speeding driver in the area three years ago.

A handful of videos have been posted on YouTube, allegedly showing a ghostly bright light appearing in the rear windscreen of cars that start driving at dangerous speeds.

It might sound far-fetched but speeding to summon the ghost has become such a concern that police have issued a warning about the behaviour.

Some locals are convinced the light is that of the motorcyclist’s ghost, in pursuit of people who drive dangerously.

“It’s alleged that if you drive at speed in a manner dangerous, a bright white light comes in behind you and that’s what they are calling the Lemon Tree Passage ghost,” a police spokeswoman said.

“There have been several phone calls that people are going out there and while attempting to get footage for YouTube these cars are travelling at excessive speed.”

The YouTube videos posted so far do show a bright light clearly visible, sometimes close to the car and other times in the far distance.

But the source of the light is unclear.

“We want speeding drivers to know that the only bright light they’ll be seeing in their rear windows will be the red and blue lights of a police car,” the police spokeswoman said.”

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Psychic Pets, Animals and the After-Life

My interest in the subject of ‘psychic pets’ was particularly sparked by an experience I had some years ago when doing a general psychic reading for a lady.

Although it was not uncommon for me at that time to see those who’d passed-on with their pets, I hadn’t really taken a great deal of notice of it up until then – I merely saw the pet as one of the identifying characteristics of the deceased person and their life that I was picking up on.

So I’d assumed the pet merely set the scene to identify the person, along with other details like the person’s name, facial features, build, mannerisms, clothing, jewellery etc.

Anyway, during this reading for the lady, I got a dog coming through on his own, a border collie. I mentioned this to the lady I was doing the psychic reading for, and she said, “Yes, we buried one just a month ago”. I described how he looked and how he acted and she said, ‘‘Yes that’s him!”

This dog then went on to give this lady an important message through me – he did not ‘talk’ to me in speech, (I’m not going to claim that!) but I could understand exactly what he was saying through his body language.

I’ve always been an animal lover, and had seen my own dog’s psychic ability, but I was amazed by this animal’s love and continued loyalty to his owner from the ‘other side’. It made me ponder animal’s own afterlives.

Article copyright Anna Arcadius, 2010.


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I heard my child’s dead grandfather speaking to him over the baby monitor! A true supernatural occurrence

This is a totally true story –  I experienced it some years back, shortly after the birth of our eldest child.

My husband’s father had passed away about three weeks after our first child was born. He’d sadly never been able to see his grandchild. I’d never met my husband’s father either (they’d been estranged for many years, sadly) and I didn’t really know anything about him.

Anyway, one night in the early hours, when my child was about six or seven weeks old, something very strange happened. My son was sleeping in his cot upstairs in the nursery, and I was sitting downstairs on ‘night duty’ waiting to give my baby his next feed.  My sleep-deprived husband was upstairs in our bedroom fast asleep. I had the baby monitor on so I could hear my boy when he woke up hungry. Every now and again as I waited for his lordship to ask for his next meal, I could hear reassuring little noises and small movements over the baby monitor.

Then, suddenly, I heard a great deal of crackling/interference over this monitor (we’d never had this interference before, and never had it again over the months we used this monitor, including when we used it with child number two), and then clear as anything I audibly heard a male voice say “Alright, little boy?” and then there were sounds like movements in the room (not the baby’s, the movements were too big for that).  The voice was clear as anything and was human, but not quite human sounding because of the tone (it was a little monotonous/robotic sounding, rather like you hear on EVP recordings except I could make out the words clearly with my ears without the need for creative imagination!)

Even though I’d never had this happen to me before, (I’d seen things with my eyes when a child, and ‘psychically’ see the deceased too) it did not freak me out, and I understood straight away this was a well-meaning spirit speaking, and I immediately recalled my baby’s Granddad who’d died about three weeks before this incident. (N.B. For those doubters, it can’t have been CB radio/mobile phone interference from someone walking or driving past or from the neighbours because we live in a detached cottage in the middle of a rural nowhere and also it was then a mobile phone reception dead-spot. There was no TV or radio on either.)

I then went upstairs and peeped into the room where my son was lying asleep and saw some small orbs of light around the room and the atmosphere ‘felt’ different – not spooky or frightening but more electric, perhaps. (We live on some ley-lines too, by the way).   I didn’t feel my son was in danger at all and didn’t feel the need to enter the room to disturb my son who was fast asleep.

I left and woke up my husband in the next room and told him what I’d heard and my husband said immediately that the phrasing ‘alright, little boy’ was the kind of way his dad spoke and that it sounded like he was trying to make good … I think the incident consoled my husband a bit too, understanding that his dad was trying to make up to him and his son.

As if all that weren’t strange enough, the story doesn’t all stop there, because a few weeks after this incident we were involved in a bad car crash that totally wrote our car off. But every one of us was miraculously fine – particularly little ‘un who was totally unscathed. I know there was some supernatural stuff going on connected with this, because I had a psychic prophetic dream a few days before in which I saw things that came to pass connected with this same car crash. We were all protected and I am very thankful for that. I don’t know if it was God, or His angels, or my son’s Granddad or all of them working together that helped us on the day, but the timing of it does make me wonder …… and I am certainly grateful.

Article copyright Anna Arcadius, 2010

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I believe that dreams are probably the easiest way for humans to get ‘psychic’ information, as we are most receptive when in the dream state, and our concious mind cannot interupt and argue and say, ‘ah, but…’.

I have had many experiences of psychic and precognitive dreams in my life.

I do not heed all my dreams or believe all my dreams are psychic because they just aren’t, and wisdom is required to sift between what is real and what is ‘just’ a dream or one can be led a merry dance! For that reason, I do not journal all my dreams, but journalling everything at the beginning is an extremely useful tool to learn to distinguish between what is true and real and what is not (See my article on psychic development).

Normally when I awake after a psychic dream, I have a special feeling about what I have dreamt about; the psychic dream almost always seems to have a unique quality and sense and feel to it making it stand out from other ‘normal’ dreams, and it often remains long in my mind after I’ve woken up.

I have found that most psychic dreams are usually unique ‘one-offs’ rather than being recurring dreams. (Recurring dreams should still be heeded, however, as our subconcious is trying to tell us to deal with something – I have covered recurring dreams in a separate article Recurring dreams).

Psychic dreams can take various forms. Here are some examples of some forms of ‘psychic’ or pre-cognitive dreams.

Contact dreams

I had a dream of a dear friend and ex work colleague that I had not seen/heard from or even thought about for over one year. I no longer even lived in the same country as him. In the dream, that came out of nowhere, I was meeting up with and hugging my friend.

The NEXT day, I recieved a letter ‘out of the blue’ from this same friend who said he was coming to near my area on business and asked if we’d like to meet up?! Of course, I said “yes” and this meeting proved to be an important turning point for me, as opportunities arose for me to move abroad and work in the same company as him. I think I had this psychic dream to underline the importance of this meeting to me in terms of my needing to leave where I currently was and to make the big move.

Lucid Dreams

Many years ago, I unexpectedly dozed off for just a little while one afternoon: it was actually more like a trance than a dream, because it was as if I was awake all the time. Anyway, dream or trance, I had a very lucid dream, differant from most dreams, even psychic dreams, in that it felt so real. In the dream my then love interest was speaking to me on the phone and spinning me some super spiritual nonsense about himself and his emotions and why our relationship could not proceed. In the dream I could see him at the other end of the phone, and more than that saw his thoughts and intentions while speaking and thus saw what he was saying to me was all total bull, and he knew it was. I was clearly shown the reasons for it: put succinctly, he was a jerk!

I awoke disturbed because on the surface our relationship, although new, had been going well and he had seemed very keen. Anyway, a few seconds later after I awoke after having this dream, the phone went (he never usually phoned in the afternoon, so this was strange in itself) and it was this boyfriend, and he said word for word the conversation I’d seen and heard in my dream.

However, because I’d had this dream, my heart/mind was prepared for what he was about to say. And as I’d seen what a jerk he was in the dream, I wasn’t hurt like I would otherwise have been, and I didn’t take it personally and  to heart and was actually very glad thinking I had a lucky escape. It also told me that what he’d used as an excuse was utter rubbish, telling me what an immature jerk and phoney he really was and that I was better shot off him so not to even agree to reconcile with him in the future! (And the opportunity did soon present itself.) This was a lucky escape indeed, as I later saw his bad character with other women, and his general phoniness and hypocrisy.

Symbolic dreams

This dream rather than being literal can be laden with various symbols and imagery, and thus can be very difficult to understand on the surface. It may even require a skilled and gifted dream interpreter to help unravel it, interpret it and apply it for the dreamer.

I have gone into symbolic dreams in more detail in this article: symbolic dreams and prophecies.

Guidance Dreams

Leading us to take important actions, such as going certain places or contacting certain people or doing certain things. I have had various examples of this in my life.

In the Book Of Acts in the Bible, the apostle Paul dreamt of a man from Macedonia saying to come and help them. This was God’s guidance to Paul to go to Macedonia to help them.

I mentioned already Joseph interpreting symbolic dreams in the Bible: a dream was given to Pharaoh by God in order to give guidance to stock up on food grains for a coming famine. Because Pharaoh obeyed this divine guidance, many people and animals were saved from starvation.

However not all dreams containing guidance are psychic or prophetic, especially when the dreamer is actively seeking guidance at the time the dream occurred, and so care must be taken to assess what is genuine and what is not.

Warning Dreams

There are times where we can be warned of bad or disastrous events about to hit us personally – and if the dream is genuine and it’s from God, then it’s not to sent to taunt and to harass but to help and to guide us for our overall good. We can often take actions to change these events from happening, by changing our attitudes or our course of actions, or when changing the situation is not possible, we can have a better understanding as to why these bad things happened and so have more peace and comfort because of what lies beyond. Let me give you some examples:

Prevention – things that can be changed. I once warned someone I was reading for over their phone about their careless driving (she agreed she often was in a bit of a daydream and drove with only one hand on the wheel, speaking on her cellphone and even eating at the same time). A day or so later, because this woman heeded the warning, she avoided a catastrophic accident because she was able to respond in time to a car suddenly spinning around out of control before her – she avoided slapping into it head-on because she was fully concentrating and for a change had both of her hands on the wheel instead of one hand on the phone and the other dipping into some Twinkies!)

Preparation  – things that cannot be changed. A woman was totally in love with somebody and he claimed to be totally in love with her. They were dating and going to get married. He was the one, so she thought. She’d never ever felt this way about anyone before. But then one night she had a dream, seemingly out of the blue, in which he was having an honest heart to heart with her and saying that he didn’t really love her. It was a very upsetting dream to her, but she thought it was just a dream. But the dream strongly remained on her heart and mind. About a week later the man unexpectedly dumped her. The woman was emotionally devastated, it wasn’t easy for her, but because she had this dream it was easier for to deal with as her heart, mind and emotions had had some chance to prepare emotionally for the enormous shock first.  It didn’t then come as a total shock. Also, as she understood from her dream he really hadn’t loved her, there was some solace at a time of great hurt that it was better off this way, however much it stung now. The woman is totally convinced if she hadn’t had this dream she wouldn’t have been able to cope at all (perhaps would have committed suicide), and/or would have held on waiting for “the love of her life” to return to her wrongly believing he felt the same way about her. As it was, she moved on and did meet someone much better.

World events – There are cases of warning type dreams, premonitions about disasters affecting people and events far away, events that seemingly have nothing to do with us, and we can seemingly do nothing about – for example I’ve dreamed of natural disasters many miles away in countries where I know nobody and have no influence. These kind of dreams can be disturbing and hard to handle. I will go into these type of dreams and how we can respond appropriately to them in a future article.

Mediumistic dreams – dreaming of people who have passed on

Dreaming of people that have passed on is very common, and should not always be thought of as a psychic or mediumistic encounter.

A lady I knew kept dreaming about bumping into a certain person who she’d once known – this person had actually died some years before.

In this recurring dream she was having, this person was not really dead and there had been some mistake or an elaborate trick played at his funeral in identifying and burying the wrong person instead of him.

There had been a great deal of anxiety within her as this man had been obsessed with her and had ‘stalked’ her when alive, so this anxiety was being replayed in a recurring dream that he wasn’t really dead and would still come and harass her.

However this was NOT a psychic dream or contact with a spirit, and as soon as the lady faced up to her deep anxieties, and that this man really was dead and she was safe from him, these recurring dreams stopped.

I know though of many people who have had strong personal messages relayed to them from their loved ones in their dreams.

The ‘Half and Half Dream’

The ‘worst’ dreams to interpret are what I’ll call the ‘half-and halfs’ – where there’s a mixture of the genuine psychic and our own dream ‘junk’ that gets entangled together. What parts do we listen to and what parts of the dream do we discard? Good question!

Rule # 1. Do NOT assume anything!!!

Because PART of the dream is 100% accurate does not mean ALL of the dream is accurate.

For example, I have a friend who is a great psychic. When she was younger and single she had a very vivid dream of some forthcoming places/people she’d meet that summer on her travels. Amongst other things she saw, she dreamt of a man’s face very clearly that she’d never met before, and also a name. At the very end of this dream she dreamt she was married to this same man.

She met this man a few weeks later while on her travels, recognising him from her dream instantly – and he had the same name as she’s dreamed. He turned out to an important link for her in getting to her final destination.

However, my friend concluded the other ‘half’ of her dream about marrying this man must also therefore be accurate (surely the first half of  her dream had been confirmed to date with phenomenal accuracy?!), and so she pursued this man for over a year, wasting her time and causing some very sore embarrassment to both of them as he was not at all interested in her romantically!!! She got so angry and upset at feeling ‘conned’ by her own psychic gifting she closed down much of her abilities for a time, but luckily she opened them again after some real soul searching and finally understanding that she’d had what I’ve termed here to be a ‘half and half’ dream. With hindsight and painful soul searching, she realised that at the point of her dreaming about this marriage her ‘natural’ mind was adding stuff on (ie: her wishes and desires) after the initial revelation had been given and she should have checked the dream ‘small print’ much more carefully.

Therefore all dreams should be sifted through to find where the genuine revelation ends (the good ‘half’) and where wishful thinking begins (the junk ‘half’).

Article copyright Anna Arcadius, 2010

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Anna Arcadius is a psychic & dream interpreter.


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