Reading Tea Leaves To Tell The Future (Tasseography)

When I was a young girl, my grandmother used to swear by reading fortunes with tealeaves.

As I sat on her knee, Grandma taught me her art (handed down to her by her grandmother), and I sometimes even watched her doing readings for the neighbours.

Grandma always said reading someone’s tea leaves was a great way to make psychic predictions for their future. But, admittedly, this was before the teabag seemingly took over the world…

I’m wondering if anyone else still uses tealeaves for divination? Or has it now gone completely out of fashion because of the invention of the teabag?!

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3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Sandra
    Aug 10, 2010 @ 18:30:09

    I tried it and I didn’t find it helpful – only shapeless blobs at the bottom and side of the cup that didn’t really look like anything to me. But then again, I’m not psychic!


  2. psychicclairvoyant
    Aug 10, 2010 @ 19:36:39


    You are psychic, you just don’t know it yet, honey!

    Like I said to you in my other comment to you under psychic development, give me an hour of your time (maybe less) and I guarantee if you follow what I say, I’ll have you up and running at some level of the psychic by the end.



  3. Jennifer
    Aug 11, 2010 @ 14:07:15

    It’s a lot of hassle and a bit messy, I guess that’s why people dont bother with reading tealeafs so much any more.


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