Dream interpretations for recurring dreams


Below is a list of some common dreams that most of us have had at some point in our lives and their interpretations that would apply to most people.

These kind of dreams are often recurring. These dreams usually aren’t psychic or future telling so much, but rather are usually our subconscious’s way of trying to get our attention.

I once had someone tell me they were extremely concerned because they kept dreaming of an Armageddon style devastation that would happen in her neighbourhood. This was greatly disturbing her, and she was carrying the weight of the world upon her shoulders and was very fearful, not knowing what to do.

While I recognise that people can absolutely be forewarned about impending disaster in dreams, and I have certainly had experience of prophetic dreams (see my other article on psychic and pre-cognitive dream ), in this case the lady was wrongly interpreting her recurring dream as foretelling a literal event whereas the dream was actually in fact symbolising her  feelings of emotional devastation at her ‘disastrous’ love life. Once the lady dealt with these issues, the dreams immediately stopped plaguing her.


Dreaming of being on an airplane usually symbolises our feelings about large life changes we are experiencing/thinking of, as flying is usually linked in our minds to going away on long distances adventures ‘to the unknown’ on special occassion.

It represents our attempts to reach new places/goals in our lives, such as in career or love.

If you dream of troubles connected with the flight, this represents your uncertainty about reaching these goals.

A common dream I used to have was of missing the plane, or of forgetting the tickets or my passport – this was demonstrating my insecurities/fears/anxieties at getting ‘there.’

Buses or Trains

These being large and common every day forms of public transport, they represent our feelings of ‘moving with the crowd’.

For instance, long after I left school, at a time of major career and life change, I used to have a dream of  missing my old school bus, and despite running after it and banging on the windows I still was not catching up with it. This was reflecting my then anxieties about keeping up with my peers, and feeling I was falling behind them in my education and career.


These are a symbol of our life. I have had many car related dreams, each with slightly differant spins on them.

You are pressing down on the brakes with all your might, but there is no affect on the car.  This is a signal of feeling out of control in a situation.

It’s raining so hard you can’t see to drive. This represents a feeling of inability to see the future in a specific situation.

If you are the passenger in the car then you feel someone else is controlling you/your life path.

If you are driving too recklessly/fast in the dream, then you need to slow down a bit/look before leaping!

If you are lost/going around in circles or can’t find your car to begin with – then this is how you are feeling in life! Lost and not sure on how to get ‘there’.

If you keep dreaming of car crashes then this demonstrates fears of heading towards a disaster, whether emotionally or other.

If the car keeps breaking down this illustrates feelings of depression/not being able to cope.

If you are driving a new car this indicates feelings about new events/relationships in your life.

If the car is from a memory of your childhood, ie: the ‘family’ car – then this shows there’s a link with your family/past that is on your mind to deal with.


Dreaming of sitting exams shows there’s worry about meeting a life ‘test’, meeting others’ expectations. There are self doubts about your abilities, and you are feeling under pressure to perform.

Linked to this dream can be problems in getting to the examination room/forgetting the exam is on that day and being totally unprepared and of pens breaking…these all relate to performance anxiety.

A dream along a similar vein, is when I dreamt I was on stage in a starring role in a play and didn’t know my lines as I hadn’t learnt them!


This is demonstrating that you are feeling out of control, with no ability to plan or know the future (ie where you land) and that you perhaps fear you are headed for an emotional ‘crash’ landing.


Usually demonstrates happiness and success and feeling of self-empowerment.

School dreams

Graduating/Leaving School – Usually positive in that you are moving into a new phase of life.

If there are problems with ‘graduating’, then this demonstrates your fears and insecurities about moving on, or feeling behind.

Being back at school – feeling behind in life, worry about abilities, need to move on, knowledge tested, performance anxiety


These represent ourself and can like the car dream have many different forms.

The upper levels of the house indicate the mental/spiritual parts of us. The stairs being the contact with this and an important symbol of progress. The lower parts (eg: the cellar) indicate the subconcious or hidden parts.

Specific rooms also have their meanings with the nursery representing children/childhood etc., the kitchin the mother/family etc.

What state these rooms/or the house is in are are very indicative on how we feel on these areas.

When I went through a particularly devastating time of my life I dreamt my house was in ruins, a burnt out skeletal structure.

Finding new rooms in our house that we did not know about shows there are  aspects or ‘rooms’ of self that are for us to explore.

Dreaming of your childhood house can often mean dealing with something from the past. For instance I was regularly dreaming of buying my old childhood home that we’d not lived in for many years and decorating it very nicely. This was showing me it was time to work on my past childhood issues so I would be a wholer human being (‘more nicely decorated’).

Losing your teeth

Linked to our memories of losing our milk teeth, this concerns our feelings on growing up and getting older.  If the teeth are rotting, it may be demonstrating there’s emotional rotting and decay leading us to an outcome of falling apart if not dealt with.

Our way being blocked

Stairs that end in mid air, road blocks and obstacles, walking through puddles and suddenly getting submerged, darkness falling en-route, all signs of feeling inpeded in our life journey.

Being angry/violent in the dream

Punching or beating up people, perhaps shouting/screaming at them with much abuse or truth telling – signs of inner/suppressed anger that needs to be faced up to.

Being naked in public

Feeling vulnerable, fear of exposure of secrets and/or being put to public ridicule/being seen through, feeling unprepared or shamed.

If the bottom half only of our body is naked, then this is linked with feelings about our sexuality.

Running (not being chased)

This is similar to the flying dream and usually demonstrates confidence and energy.

Article copyright Anna Arcadius, 2010

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Anna Arcadius is a psychic & dream interpreter.


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